Soldiers of the 92nd Special Brigade stopped an armored assault by Russians in the Donetsk region near Kleshchievka

10 March 2024
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Near Kleshchiyivka, Donetsk region, soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to repel a massive offensive attempt by the Russians using armored vehicles. In total, the defenders destroyed 16 units of armored vehicles of the invaders.

Soldiers of the 2nd assault battalion from the 92nd separate assault brigade said that the assault took place the other day, Censor.NET reports.

The Russian command sent an armored group of at least 18 units of equipment into battle. Tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (BMPs) and armored personnel carriers carrying infantry were sent into battle.

The Ukrainian military managed to detect the movement of equipment in time. Artillery and attack drones began to attack the Russians.

The fire was adjusted using reconnaissance drones, which the Russians were unable to suppress. The Ukrainian military hit most of the equipment and completely destroyed some.

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