Why they stopped having children in China (6 photos)

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
18 April 2024

Remember a few years ago, many sources wrote that in a little while the planet would be filled with Chinese. But now the title of the world's most populous country belongs to India, while China is experiencing a demographic crisis.

But how could it happen that a country where people are so busy suddenly found itself in a demographic hole? Experts say the situation is quite serious.

Rejection of traditions

Just a hundred years ago, a Chinese woman usually sat at home and ran the household, while giving birth non-stop.

But today a woman in China works, because one person simply cannot feed the whole family (with rare exceptions). This leads to the fact that pregnancy planning is postponed, and if a career goes uphill, the couple may abandon children altogether. Changes have occurred, but the way of life essentially remains - a woman is obliged to leave work for the sake of the child, and men's maternity leave in China is generally irrelevant. And today's Chinese women are absolutely not ready to forget about themselves and their development.

No more than one child per family

Who would have thought that the policy of reducing the birth rate would actually reduce it (sarcasm?) But besides this, it had a great impact on the gender composition of the country. The people of China respect traditions and, in connection with this, have always wanted a boy heir in the family. And there was only one chance for this. And this led to such a fact as selective abortions, when they got rid of girls while waiting for a boy. Of course, society has become distorted.

Today, there are many more men in China than women, and therefore an impressive part of the population does not have children - they cannot find a mate.

Huge competition

China, however, still remains a large country with colossal power in almost every area. Schoolchildren in China are not busy with their personal lives - they are only interested in studying. Such fixation leads to the fact that in the future such children encounter communication problems. Including with the opposite sex.

Young people, after studying, also do not strive to get married and have children. Their career comes first, because the manager will give preference to a childless employee. His children are not sick, his head will not be occupied with family problems, and he will not rush from work to his family.

Standard of living

Well, this is not news for all countries: the higher the standard of living, the fewer children are born. Parents try to concentrate on one child and give him everything. Good education, private colleges, housing assistance, etc.

Housing cost

In general, this is not only a problem in China, but also in other countries. The high (and in some cases even excessively inflated) cost of renting and selling apartments and houses seriously deters having a large number of children. Reasonable people do not believe in those same bunnies and lawns that automatically come with them - children should be raised knowing what you can give them. Well, excluding force majeure, of course.

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