The raccoon brought the babies to show the woman taking care of her (12 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
24 June 2024

One girl, along with a new home, also got animals, which come to her every day out of nowhere for another portion of food. So she began a friendship with a wild raccoon. However, very soon there were already several striped tails running around in her yard.

A girl named Brittany recently bought a house.

Its previous owner cared for local wildlife. He warned Brittany that he left food at the door in the evenings for the raccoons who came to him for treats every night. As soon as she moved into the house, a female raccoon began to come to her and look through the transparent front door in anticipation.

Without thinking twice, the girl decided not to stop the tradition, because the animal was already accustomed to being fed here

Brittany had never done anything like this before or dealt with raccoons, so this experience was interesting to her

Brittany wasn't the only one who initially found it difficult to deal with a wild raccoon, which can be dangerous.

But it also took the raccoon some time to get used to the new person and learn to trust.

Soon the female raccoon began taking food directly from Brittany's hands.

The girl named her Roxy

So day after day passed, and Brittany began sharing videos and photos with the raccoon on social networks

One day she noticed that Roxy began to come not only at night, but also several times during daylight hours

In addition, the raccoon's taste preferences have changed slightly.

It turned out that Roxy was pregnant, and soon she gave birth to four adorable cubs

And after a while she began to lead them to Brittany.

In addition to Roxy and her babies, another adult cub from her previous litter periodically came

Brittany named him Teddy. However, neither he nor the four kids have yet shown the trust in the girl that Roxy feels.

The cat named Rabbit was also lucky. He was once homeless and unwanted. Every day the cat came to the grocery store and cunningly begged food from customers, until one day he met the owner there.

The girl admits that raccoons give her positive emotions, and every day she looks forward to seeing them again

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