The shortest film in the world (3 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
31 May 2024

The world of cinema appeared back in 1895. The first films that were made and presented to the public were short films. Today, many directors and producers love to produce films of this type. However, what is the shortest film in the world? The answer to this question can be found in this article.

One second movie

In 2010, in the Netherlands, a director named Anton Corbijn made a short film called The Shortest Film. The duration of this film is only one second. The action of the film takes place against the backdrop of a mill. It is one of the landmarks of the Netherlands. The main character of this work is Carice van Houten. The plot of the film is quite simple: the actress stands against the backdrop of a mill, then the hand of director Anton Corbijn appears, and the heroine bites his finger. Due to its length, this work was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the shortest film in the world. Dutch director Anton Corbijn continues to shoot film projects, as well as music videos.

First short film

The first short film is the film “Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat Station”, shot by French directors the Lumière brothers. This is not only the first short film, but also the first film to be shot in the world. The operating time was 49 seconds. It showed how people greet the train. It was a silent black and white film, but it marked the beginning of the birth of cinema. In 1896, the film was first shown to the public. Viewers were so shocked by what they saw that they feared the train on screen might hit them.

The most famous short films

Currently, short films are very popular among television viewers. In these films, which last no more than an hour, the creators try to contain the main idea in order to convey it to people. One of the most popular films of this type is the short film project “What is this?” It tells about an aged father and a son who has already become quite an adult. The author of this story wanted to show that no matter what, parents will love their child and really want to be reciprocated. Another famous work was the film “Toyland”. A little boy and his entire family are sent to a concentration camp because they are Jewish. In order not to ruin the child's childhood and not cause trauma for life, his mother says that they are going to the land of toys.

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