Rare solar eclipse caught on video

10 April 2024

It could be seen in the USA, Canada, Mexico and on some islands of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

On April 8 there was a total solar eclipse. The silhouette of the Moon covered the solar disk and it lasted 4 minutes 28 seconds. This happened at 21:17 Moscow time, but the residents of Russia did not see the eclipse. But the Mexicans and Americans took a good look at him.

The phenomenon of an eclipse is that it is visible only in those corners of the globe where the lunar shadow falls. And where it is not there, they observe the ordinary solar disk. This time, a shadow 198 kilometers wide fell on the Earth. Elon Musk showed it from his satellite.

And the rest of the footage of the solar eclipse.

The next time Americans will see this phenomenon “live” only in 2044. The same Musk believes that by that time he will already be looking at our planet from the lunar station. Then he wants to colonize Mars and something else for the heap. These are large-scale and ambitious plans for the future - perhaps he will succeed. And even if not, Elon feels very good even on Earth.

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