In the USA, an engine cover came off during a flight

Category: Aviation, PEGI 0+
10 April 2024

The change in the company's management has not yet brought results. The aircraft manufacturer continues to suffer reputational losses.

Another series of epic problems with Boeing aircraft occurred over the American city of Denver. The engine cowling of a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-800 was torn off and struck the flap. Shocked passengers were left to watch the terrible picture from the windows and pray that the pilots would be able to successfully land the plane at the departure airport.

It is clear that such a nuisance can happen to any aircraft (and has happened more than once). However, after a series of aviation incidents and accusations from regulators of using low-quality materials in the construction of aircraft, Boeing is now receiving more attention than any other aircraft manufacturers.

It is noted that there were 6 crew members and 135 passengers on board the plane. None of them were hurt. The engine cover was torn off 25 minutes after takeoff at an altitude of 3140 meters. Passengers had to take off on another plane 4 hours later.

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has already begun an investigation into the incident that occurred on April 7 with a Boeing 737-800. The aircraft entered service in 2015, according to the FAA. The Boeing company, for its part, sent a request to the air carrier with questions about the operation of its aircraft fleet. Southwest declined to say when the Boeing engine was last serviced.

We would like to add that at the beginning of January 2024, the operation of the Boeing 737 MAX 9 was suspended in the USA, the European Union and Turkey after an incident with an emergency exit door falling off in flight. The FAA has prohibited Boeing from ramping up production of these models until quality control problems are resolved. During an audit of Boeing and Spirit AeroSystems (which produces fuselages for Boeing), the regulator discovered numerous cases of violations of quality control requirements.

Спанч Боб
10 April 2024
2 731 comment
До ворожки не ходи, перед вильотом техніки працювали на двигуні та не зекрили замки капотів. Самі замки просто так не відчиняться. Сорок років все нормально було, а тут стали хейтити Боїнг. Сам їх обслуговував, хоч Боїнг не найулюбленіший мій літак. Але у цій ситуації виробник не винен.
11 April 2024
1 003 comments
Спанч Боб,
Двигуни GE/Safran-ну де тут Boeing?
Гость 123
Гость 123
11 April 2024
Замовлення на боїнг 100%, капоти втрачали безліч літаків різних виробників.
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