Grindavik was evacuated in Iceland due to a powerful eruption (4 photos + 3 videos)

19 March 2024

This handsome volcano with the chic name Fagradalsfjall is located on the Reykjanes Peninsula in the south of the country. And over the past 3 months, this is the fourth time she has reminded herself of herself.

It is located only 7 km from the city and has been a nightmare for local residents since January, and the capital is approximately 30 kilometers away. This time the eruption began at 20:23 local time.

Just a minute after the local seismological center issued a warning about increased seismic activity in the area.

The majority of the residents had not really returned to the city since last time, but there were more than 700 people at the nearby Blue Lagoon thermal resort.

Everyone was hastily evacuated. Seismologists warn of the appearance of new surface ruptures and their filling with lava. Now the largest crack is already more than 3 km long, it was given the name Sandall.

Well, Fagradalsfjall itself, which has been “sleeping” for 6 thousand years, is now in a stage of increased activity and since 2021 regularly reminds itself of itself. During all this time, more than 40,000 small earthquakes were recorded.

The Icelandic Meteorological Agency reports that lava is flowing rapidly south towards defenses north of Grindavik, and also west towards Grindavikurvegi, roughly matching the flow direction observed during the February 8, 2024 eruption.

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