Soldiers of the 128th OGShBr destroyed two Russian infantry fighting vehicles, a mortar crew and a group of infantrymen

24 February 2024
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Soldiers of the 128th Separate Mountain Assault Transcarpathian Brigade, using drone operators adapted for dropping anti-tank mines, destroyed two Russian infantry fighting vehicles. Another target of the Ukrainian soldiers was the mortar crew of the invaders. It was destroyed by an RPG grenade.

“To their misfortune, the Russian mortarmen kept the mines too close, and they detonated a “farewell salute” for them. The same misfortune befell a group of infantrymen who, after an unsuccessful attack, decided to hide in a building with an ammunition depot. One successful drop from a drone - and the ammunition exploded along with the personnel. Four Russians at once - "200". Three more infantrymen decided to hide under their infantry fighting vehicles, but getting them out was not such a difficult task for the FPV drone. The result - three Russians moved into the "200" category. And the highlight of the video is an FPV drone flying straight into the dugout with an explosion and liquidation of the infantry,” noted the brigade fighters, adding that all Russian losses were confirmed by radio interception data.
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