The 71st EBBr uses FPV to destroy the Starlnik of the Russian occupiers

18 February 2024
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Warriors of the 71st separate Jaeger Brigade of the Air Assault Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed the Starlink satellite communication platform, which was used by the Russian occupiers.

“Enemy Starlink. Everyone has heard that the Russians have begun to use SpaceX satellite communication platforms, but so far we have not been able to remove them. The company has several times denied supplying its products to the aggressor. The stolen or smuggled modem was noticed by operators of reconnaissance UAVs 71- th Jaeger Brigade.

And our fpv drones did not tolerate disgrace and firmly stood guard over international law and the business reputation of a respected company. In short, the occupiers do not have Starlink. At least within the reach of the fighters of our brigade,” commented the defenders.
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