A creepy-looking predatory turtle was caught from a lake in Britain using a supermarket basket (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
14 February 2024

A resident of the county of Cumbria in the UK caught a terrifying reptile from a local pond - a vulture, or alligator turtle. Since the reptile's jaws are very strong and can even break bone, it was caught with a shopping basket, the Daily Mail reports.

This species of turtle is quite rare and is found only in the southeastern United States. According to the veterinarians currently caring for the reptile, the animal was abandoned in Cumbria by a careless owner. At the same time, the pond is similar to its natural habitat - snapping turtles hunt in reservoirs, setting up ambushes: they hide in the mud and wait with their mouths open until a fish that is interested in a bright red tongue swims up.


The reptile was caught by local resident Denise Chamberlain, who had previously lived in the USA and knew about such turtles. She knew that powerful jaws could bite through an arm and damage bones. Therefore, the woman used a shopping basket - the kind they give out in supermarkets - to protect herself and the turtle trap. To rescue the animal, Denise had to enter the pond, despite the winter weather.

Photo: Wild Side Vets Clinic

The turtle has now been handed over to veterinarians at the Wild Side Vets clinic, which deals with rare animals. The doctors named the new patient (or patient - not specified) Fluffy. Although in reality the turtle looks more like an armored dinosaur due to its thick, spiky shell and rough skin.

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