The Poles forced Hitler to attack himself

10 February 2024
Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with American propagandist Tucker Carlson that Poland allegedly “forced” Nazi Germany to attack itself in 1939 because it “played too hard” and turned out to be “too intractable.”

This is reported by Censor.NET.

“They did, after all! The Poles forced them, they played too hard and, nevertheless, forced Hitler to start the Second World War with them. Why did the war start on September 1, 1939 from Poland? It turned out to be intractable. And Hitler had no choice in implementing his plans start from Poland," Putin said.

The Russian President also stated that Poland collaborated with Hitler, and he “offered to conclude peace with Poland, a treaty of friendship and alliance,” but demanded that Poland give back to Germany the Danzig Corridor, which connected the main part of Germany with Königsberg and East Prussia.

“After the First World War, this part of the territory was given to Poland, and the city of Gdansk appeared instead of Danzig. Hitler asked to give them up peacefully - the Poles refused. But nevertheless, they collaborated with Hitler and together began dividing Czechoslovakia,” Putin said.

In his interview with Carlson, Putin spent about half an hour presenting his understanding of history—about a quarter of the total interview time. He started in Rus' and graduated from the USSR. Putin repeated the narrative that Ukraine was supposedly “created” by Vladimir Lenin. And it was “formed,” according to the Russian dictator, by the will of Joseph Stalin after the Second World War.

What is known about Putin's interview

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) analyzed Russian dictator Vladimir Putin's interview with "American Solovyov" and came to the conclusion that the Russian President used it to spread lies, distort history and to make Russia appear to be a victim, and not the aggressor, as it really is. in fact.

Analysts emphasize that this ongoing information operation is intended to hide the obvious fact that Russia launched an aggressive war against its neighbor in 2022 in order to confuse the West's memory of what really happened.

Who is Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson is a former Fox News host. He was extremely influential as a late-night political talk show host from 2016-2023. After his dismissal, he launched a show on the social network X (formerly Twitter). In his own release, Carlson accused Ukraine of blowing up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station.

He is a supporter of Vladimir Putin. He repeatedly justified Russian aggression, spread fake news about “American biological laboratories in Ukraine,” and several times “defended” President Putin after a full-scale invasion.

In Russia, Carlson is often called an “authoritative news source,” especially when it comes to the war in Ukraine. In September 2023, the news channel Rossiya 24 even began broadcasting long excerpts of his show Tucker on X, dubbed in Russian.

Carlson is a fan of Republican and presidential candidate Donald Trump.
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