Catastrophic forest fires engulfed Chile (1 photo + 4 videos)

4 February 2024

A little over a year ago in Chile, more than 1,000 people died due to severe fires, then the flames raged for several months. This year, due to strong winds and drought, the fires have returned again.

Already, local authorities are reporting 51 deaths, of which six died in hospitals from severe burns. Viña del Mar Mayor Macarena Ripamonti said 37 people were also missing. Chilean Interior Minister Carolina Toja reported damage to at least 1,100 homes and told reporters that number could rise as authorities move into hard-to-reach areas.


There are 92 fires throughout the country, the total area engulfed in fire over the past 24 hours has increased to 43,000 hectares. More than half of them have not yet been localized due to strong winds and heat, which leads to the further spread of fires.

The most difficult situation is in the Valparaiso region (about 100 km from the capital Santiago), where the fire is reaching residential areas. The country's president said that this tragedy could have been provoked deliberately.

“An investigation into the possible intent of these fires is ongoing, and while it is difficult to imagine who could be willing to cause such tragedy and such pain, please know that an investigation will continue.”

According to Valparaiso regional prosecutor Claudia Perivansic, speaking to CNN Chile, “there are preliminary indications” of arson. According to him, “several fires that could have occurred simultaneously” were found.

Coastal towns are engulfed in smoke, many are without power, highways are closed, and hospitals continue to treat burn victims.

Hundreds of residential buildings have already been destroyed, and a state of emergency has been declared in several areas; residents are being urgently evacuated to safe areas.

The first fire broke out at about 1:45 p.m. on Friday in the sector of the Lago Peñuelas National Reserve, Chilean Interior and Public Security Minister Carolina Toja said on Friday.

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