A powerful Japanese festival that is held only once every six years. Apparently, so that the Japanese would not completely kill everyone. Because I can't remember a more dangerous festival, other than pyramids of schoolchildren at festivals!
What is and why onbashira matsuri
Matsuri is translated as festival, and onbashira as pillars of honor. These are not some kind of holy pillars, they become honorary later when they are placed in the temples of Nagano, where the holiday is held. But before that, you definitely need to ride them.
See how the people are falling, no one can hold them back
The main event of the holiday is the descent on horseback on a huge smooth-hewn log from Suva Hill to the river. The festival is already 1200 years old, and although everyone recognizes its danger, the Japanese are not going to cancel it. Respect for tradition is more valuable.
The logs are really huge, no joke, this is the likely reason why the fetisval is rarely held. So as not to quickly cut down a forest that is hundreds of years old. The length of the log should not be less than 17 meters.
And 16 such logs are carried through the city with songs and dances, and then tied with ropes in order to somehow hold on when the log flies uncontrollably down the hill.

Look how important he is, I would appoint him as a minister somehow!
Rolling on a log itself is called ki-otoshi. Each log has a main rider who sits in front. And the righters are on the sides of the log, trying to maintain acceleration with the help of thick ropes.
The rest of the riders can be anyone. Usually these are strong, athletic men, but women can also sign up. No prejudices, if you want, kill yourself.
Japanese competition with Indians

For some reason, not a single woman was found. Probably, at the very beginning of the hill it still disappeared
There are a lot of unique festivals in Japan, such as the ritual regular BURNING OF THE MOUNTAIN or the festival of naked men. By the way, have you heard the news? It was recently announced that women will be allowed to participate in the next naked festival for the first time.
The world community is frozen in anticipation!

And this is how the log is first carried through the city with songs
But usually India held the lead in suicide rituals. They have a festival of throwing burning sticks at each other. Or, more simply, they just throw stones at people’s heads, playing their version of King of the Hill.

And this is nothing unusual, just Indians throwing burning objects at each other.
But driving down a hill on a log... This makes the Indians lose their heads. There were never any without broken arms, legs, and sometimes even deaths. Moreover, not only the participants die after falling from the log, but also the spectators.
After all, the log is moving uncontrollably, the risk of dying here is much higher than for spectators behind the grid of a Formula 1 track.

It's hot! He'll spin it under a log, it's a lost cause
The last time such a holiday was held was in 2016, but the pandemic and earthquakes made adjustments to the already planned celebration. However, we will wait.