The racer in the Toyota Mark2 did not have time to find his pole and left the child without parents

31 January 2024

On January 28, in Nakhodka on Nakhodkinsky Avenue, the driver of a Toyota Mark2 born in 1996 drove into the oncoming lane and collided with a Toyota Belta car. The impact was so strong that the engine of the second car was knocked out, and it overturned and collided with a Nissan Note. In Belta, parents died, and their child was hospitalized in extremely serious condition. The driver of the accident and the driver of the Nissan Note were also hospitalized.

A girl who lost her parents in an accident in Nakhodka, Primorsky Territory, is in extremely serious condition in intensive care under an artificial lung ventilation device (ALV). Doctors continue to fight for her life - the child has injuries to her arms, legs and chest.

They write on local social networks - “Guys, who knows this car in the city of Belta with the number K169TX 125. We need to somehow contact the relatives, because the child is lying alone. The parents are no longer there...”.


As a result of the accident, a couple, 30 and 29 years old, who were in the Toyota Belta, died. Their 8-year-old daughter was taken to intensive care with serious injuries and multiple fractures. She is on a ventilator. Doctors continue to fight for her life, but the prognosis is still disappointing due to her multiple injuries.

At the time of the accident, the speed of the Toyota Mark II exceeded 140 kilometers per hour. It is known that the culprit of the accident is a 27-year-old driver, who himself was almost unharmed. Social media users recalled that this young man often “flew” around the city on his Mark II. A similar car has also been seen more than once in illegal races and once even almost hit someone.

An investigator of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Nakhodka opened a criminal case under Part 5 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Violation of traffic rules resulting in the death of two or more persons.”

The 27-year-old driver of the Toyota Mark II showed no signs of intoxication. Now the driver has come to his senses and is giving evidence. He faces up to 7 years in prison. The Primorsky Territory prosecutor's office took over the investigation of the case.

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