12 cases when nature got carried away and awarded animals with genetic mutations (13 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
24 January 2024

Mutations, that is, changes in hereditary material, occur spontaneously and spontaneously, and this phenomenon is quite rare.

Thanks to researchers and curious people who have photographed and shared them, we have seen many examples of genetic changes that lead to color changes or abnormal appearance of body parts. And yet these examples never cease to amaze with their uniqueness.

Golden Tiger

A subspecies of the Bengal tiger, whose unusual color is caused by a recessive gene.

Mongrel with heterochromia

And this is what melanism looks like in a barn owl

Bagel ears

Puppy Cinnamon with unusual ears was rescued by Pit Sisters and given to new owners.

Square starfish

In fact, scientists have not fully figured out whether this form of starfish is anomalous, although this opinion is quite widespread today.

And this is to hear you better

Bull unicorn

Albino Penguin

Blue lobster

Excess protein causes discoloration, a mutation that is rare in crustaceans.


The Knabstrupper is a Danish breed of horse, the spotted color of which was the result of a genetic mutation during the artificial crossing of different breeds.

Chocolate Panda

Rare pink grasshopper

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