Soldiers of the 110th Mechanized Infantry Brigade stopped an attempt to storm the enemy on the northeastern outskirts of Avdeevka

17 January 2024
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The soldiers of the 110th separate mechanized brigade managed to stop the attempt to storm the invaders. In the Kamenka area, two waves marched simultaneously, each with a platoon of infantry. The goal of the invaders was either to try to make a breakthrough in small groups, or to distract from another attack. Indeed, at the same time, a column of at least 10 EVT was moving through the village of Vesele to Avdeevka.

The Russian tank at the head of the column played the role of a mine clearer, and our soldiers believed until the last that it was remote controlled. The infantry fighting vehicles immediately disembarked the infantry and took to their heels. The infantry was immediately defeated, but it was not possible to count the losses. Part of the EVT was destroyed. Also, two waves of infantry near Kamenka, our fighters eliminated and wounded about 20 people, the rest fled.
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