The fertility doctor who strangled his wife led the investigation by the nose for several years, accusing her of killing dogs (7 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 16
9 January 2024

On November 13, 2016, a worried man called the rescue service and reported an accident. The investigation of which lasted for many years.

Eric Scott Sills, a Californian fertility doctor from San Clemente, told the arriving team that he found his wife, 45-year-old Suzanne Sills, on the stairs. The woman tripped, fell and instantly broke her neck.

Eric Sills

But the examination showed the opposite. The features of the injuries did not correspond to the story of the grief-stricken husband: the cause of death was asphyxia. The investigation and examinations lasted almost three years. It was only in the spring of 2019 that Sills was taken into custody and charged with murder.

Blood stains were found in the couple's daughter's bedroom. Suzanne was sleeping in this room at the time because she was suffering from migraines. There were bloody prints on the walls and curtains. A clump of hair was also found in the bedroom, which indirectly testified to the violent confrontation that Eric and Suzanne's quarrel had escalated into.

Spouses' house

During the investigation, it was not possible to accurately determine the man’s motive. But during the investigation, it turned out that tension between the spouses was growing due to financial disagreements: Eric spent a lot of money on the maintenance of children from his first marriage, and Suzanne was irritated by this.

Plus, the woman posted a topless photo online. She argued and lost the bet. Judging by the aggressive text messages, the husband was fixated on this moment.

But the icing on the cake was the explanation of the doctor, who together with his wife owned a fertility clinic in Carlsbad, regarding the cause of death.

Suzanne Sills

Eric stated that his wife took a complex of several strong drugs that were supposed to stop a migraine attack. Because of them, I lost my balance when going down the stairs, fell, injured my spine and lost the ability to breathe freely.

Traces of strangulation, which were recorded by pathologists, were left... by dogs. There were two large dogs living in the family’s house, who decided that the owner was playing, ran up to her and began to pull the ends of the scarf, eventually strangling Suzanne.

Naturally, no marks or holes from the teeth were found either on the clothes or on the body. And the couple’s son confirmed that the day before the parents were arguing a lot, and he heard the noise of a quarrel. Another indirect evidence was the testimony of the 911 operator. During the conversation, the caller repeatedly called his wife a patient, as if trying to abstract from the identity of the victim.

The doctor, who helped women experience the joy of motherhood, with his own hands deprived his children (the twins were 12 years old at that time) of their mother.

At the end of December last year, a jury found the man guilty of second-degree murder. Sentencing is scheduled for March. The resourceful vigilante accused of killing dogs faces 15 years in prison to life.

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