The Ukrainian military for the first time destroyed the enemy's latest artillery reconnaissance complex 1K148 Yastreb-AV

5 January 2024
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Just today the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the Russian army had received the latest 1K148 Yastreb-AV artillery reconnaissance complex, just as today the Defense Forces provided video confirmation of its destruction in the Kherson region.

A radar complex with phased array antennas is capable of automatically tracking the trajectory of shells fired by enemy artillery, determining the exact coordinates of positions. Its cost, according to preliminary estimates, could reach $250 million.

Counter-battery radars detect a missile or projectile directly and calculate it at several points along the trajectory, determining both the location of the enemy’s firing position and the location of the projectile’s impact.

A model of the complex was demonstrated at the Army-2022 forum. Its tests were completed only in 2022.
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