The guy covered his mother's entire house with gift paper (8 photos + 1 video)

21 December 2023

A guy named Max Majewski from London decided to prank his mother before Christmas: he covered her entire house with wrapping paper. It took him five days and 114 rolls of paper to do this. Mom was shocked!

A 20-year-old guy named Max Majewski was born in Poland, but now lives with his family in London. Recently, a joker decided to play a prank on his family before Christmas. The guy bought New Year's wrapping paper and covered his mother's entire house: walls, floor, kitchen, taps, sinks. The guy even wrapped bananas in the fruit bowl, every kitchen knife, and every piece of wood on the chairs. He did all this creativity for five days, 18 hours a day, while his mother and sisters were away. He spent £220 on paper.

When the guy’s mother returned and saw all this splendor, at first she was shocked. But then Max’s mother and younger sisters even appreciated his work and how detailed he covered everything. On social networks, his video gained sudden popularity - it was viewed more than three million times.

“I was afraid that my mother would shout at me. Who wouldn’t be scared? At first my mother immediately started speaking Polish, but then she said: “Wow.” At first she and her sisters thought it was just an idiotic prank, but then they saw what a detailed job it is, and how much work went into it,” said Max.

People on social networks joke that the guy needs to organize excursions to this papered-over house. Many people appreciated his wrapping paper packaging skills and noted that it turned out very neatly.

“When I started pasting the rooms, I thought it would take a couple of days, but later I realized that it would take much more. But I think it was 100% worth it. The longest time I pasted was the chairs - it took 1.5 hours for each. I I also packed all the cutlery, but that wasn’t included in the video,” says Max.

1 comment
23 December 2023
Это все еще дебильный розыгрыш :) У парня явно слишком много свободного времени
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