A powerful explosion and subsequent fire destroyed a car wash in Izhevsk (4 photos + 2 videos)

19 December 2023

Residents of houses on Pervomaiskaya Street in the capital of Udmurtia woke up to a loud bang.

Residents of Izhevsk report a loud bang in the area of Ilfat Zakirov Street. According to eyewitnesses, the loud sound was caused by an explosion at a car wash next to a gas station around 7:30 a.m. on December 18.

“We were passing by just at that moment. There was a noticeable bang. The roof was blown apart and the sign flew up. The smell of tires is acrid, something exploded on the second floor,” says Alena Zashikhina, an eyewitness.

According to preliminary information, the explosion occurred due to depressurization of a gas cylinder. Arriving firefighters extinguished the fire on an area of 10 square meters

There were no clients in the room at that moment, but the director and administrator were on site and received burns of varying severity and were hospitalized.

The reasons for the incident are being clarified.

What does a burnt out car wash look like in Izhevsk right now?

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