In the Irkutsk region, a school was repaired for 770 thousand state dollars, and then it suddenly burned down

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
6 December 2023

The prosecutor's office will already work on this.

In the village of Khrebtovaya, a major renovation of an educational institution was being completed. When the facility was already being prepared for delivery, a fire broke out. As the mayor of the region, Maxim Romanov, said:

The fire completely destroyed the right wing of the school, where kindergarten groups were supposed to be located. The main task is to restore heat supply to the rest of the school. The educational process will continue in the recreation center and in the old kindergarten building. An investigative team and the district prosecutor are working on the spot, and the causes of the fire are being established.

Earlier, Romanov said that the contractor was given the task of renovating the school in one year:

The contractor has set a good pace from the first days, the work is being completed faster than schedule. Despite the fact that according to the project, repairs must be completed in two years, the contract was concluded for one year, until the end of 2023, these are the conditions for the provision of federal funds.

Already in the summer, most of the electrics and insulation were ready. Next year they planned to improve the school grounds.

The repairs were carried out by the Irkutsk Construction Company; it has been participating in electronic auctions for several years and winning tenders for the repair of government facilities. Some of them later had questions about fire safety.

Well, investigators will look into the current situation and find out why the facilities on which they spent 77 million government dollars are burning.

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