Convinced carnivore Andersons and the consequences of their choice (6 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 16, Health
29 November 2023

The war between staunch vegetarians and meat eaters is eternal. And each side tries to convince the other that their choice is the only correct and reasonable one.

But if non-radical vegetarians’ diet may still include dairy products, eggs and even fish, then the carnivore diet has recently become popular among meat-eaters. It involves eating exclusively food of animal origin. And, again, some carnivores can eat the notorious milk and its derivatives, eggs and fish, while others prefer only meat. Like the Anderson family, who began experimenting with diets due to health problems. What did the experiments result in?

In 1998, Joe Anderson's wife Charlene was diagnosed with Lyme disease. The illness was accompanied by a whole bunch of other problems: constant weakness, inability to concentrate, reflux, headaches, eczema, osteochondrosis, myopia, excess weight. Neither traditional nor alternative medicine helped.

Through experience, the couple found out that they can eat red meat without any consequences for their condition. Joe was into bodybuilding in his youth and knew a little about protein diets. Gradually, the couple gave up chicken, lamb and fish, as well as other non-meat protein products. And they discovered that Charlene’s condition began to improve. Excess weight has gone, strength has increased, energy has appeared. Fatigue has subsided. The cycle has been restored. The woman even refused glasses and contact lenses as unnecessary.

From that moment on, the only food that the couple ate and fed their sons Charlie and George was beef. Basically, ribeye is the part from the thick edge of the dorsal-costal part of the carcass. While the boys were small, their parents did not interfere with their attempts to try other foods. But the children invariably returned to their normal diet.


Charlene and Joe

Beef without salt and spices is the price of health and well-being according to the Andersons. A woman eats from 500 to 900 grams of roasted beef per day, and her husband eats from 1 to 1.3 kg. The Carnivore couple moved on. Charlene refused standard hygiene products. Wash your hair twice a week with cool water. Does not use soap or cream. The woman is sure that proper nutrition contributes to the secretion of the optimal amount of fat, which makes the hair dense and thick, and the skin well-groomed, nourished and protected.

Deodorants and toothpastes are also not popular in the family. The spouses are happy with everything. Joe claims that his wife's skin smells like almonds and citruses. The opinion of others on this matter is unknown. However, no one was interested in him.

The diet of carnivores, of course, raises questions regarding balance and long-term sustainability. But the Andersons look good.

Would you risk trying such a diet? Or is it fraught with an even greater aggravation of health problems and the emergence of new ones?

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