A doctor in Indonesia receives two bags of garbage for an appointment (8 photos)

13 November 2023

In Indonesia, most people live without health insurance. And as a result, without treatment by a doctor, because they have no money. But what Indonesia has in abundance is garbage, which no garbage service can keep up with.

And one brilliant young man decided to combine these two seemingly non-overlapping phenomena. And now Indonesians can pay for medical care with garbage.

How much garbage does a doctor take?

Indonesian aunties listen to which waste is best collected at the ophthalmologist...

Three kilograms of recyclable waste to get one visit to the doctor. Recyclables include bottles and paper. Or a bag of organic waste from which you can make fertilizer.

Garbage clinics even have a special position - a person who tells clients what kind of garbage counts. If necessary, he will gather people into an office and give them a lecture.

"Junk health insurance"

This is what the logo of this medical program looks like

This is what the young man Gamal Albinsaid called his project. He explains his idea very simply:

- Sometimes the only thing our poor people have is garbage on the roads. It is available to everyone, unlike a job with a good salary.

This same Gamal, how did he come up with this and implement it?! People like this change the entire planet.

Every day, up to 55 thousand tons of garbage are produced in Indonesian cities. They only manage to collect half of it, and large cities are drowning in garbage. Not as fast as in India, and now this trend is slowing down altogether.

It's a pity that there is nothing like this in India. But the country also has a problem with waste recycling, so there is little point in separate collection yet.

The woman came with packages and immediately received her “ticket to the doctor”

It's weird, but it works!

The project has been running for 10 years, and it really works. Locals know what kind of garbage they need to collect and even save in order to get a ticket. Residents now have confidence that if something happens, they have somewhere to go.

There are 250 million people in Indonesia without health insurance. Some turn to village healers, some collect loans from neighbors for a one-time visit to hospitals.

The building is small, old, but such small houses change the lives of the entire town

But most diseases remain undiagnosed or in a chronic form, for example, arthritis. People tolerate them until they die.

True, for the “garbage tribute” you can only get an examination and the services of basic doctors. It is impossible to cure cancer or perform a planned operation using garbage - it is too expensive, and one person cannot collect so much. But the project cannot achieve this even with subsidies.

This is the river Chitarum, which will send the Ganges to just nervously smoke on the sidelines.

But still, it’s hundreds of times better than nothing. And people look at garbage as something useful. And they themselves don’t throw it into the streets.

How much do you think it would cost you in your city to collect three kilos of plastic to get to an appointment? I wouldn’t be able to collect it, except maybe plunder a trash can like this.

I often see them almost overcrowded; companies should clean them more often

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