Knocked down a child and fled the scene of an accident

9 November 2023
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In Astrakhan, a 19-year-old driver driving a Kia Rio hit a 7-year-old boy at a pedestrian crossing, after which he fled the scene of the accident. The child was taken to the hospital with injuries.

Astrakhan state traffic inspectors were able to find the young man who hit a first-grader and drove away from the scene of the traffic accident. The incident happened on Sunday, November 5, at 15:45 on Chkalova Street, 71. Not far from the Pravoberezhnaya Hospital public transport stop, the driver of a Kia Rio hit a 7-year-old boy. The student was crossing the road at an unregulated pedestrian crossing. Moreover, in the video it is noticeable that the boy on the zebra crossing was passed by a Gazelle, and the foreign car did not slow down before crossing. After the accident, the driver fled the scene.

The child was hospitalized with various injuries. Now his life is not in danger. The police began looking for the offender and eventually detained the man driving the Kia Rio. It turned out that the driver was a 19-year-old student of a pedagogical secondary vocational educational institution.

Law enforcement officers opened an administrative case against the young man, and also compiled administrative material for leaving the scene of a traffic accident by the driver. The violator faces punishment in the form of an administrative fine of up to 25 thousand rubles or deprivation of rights for up to two years.

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