25 examples of pareidolia that prove our brains can make up anything (26 photos)

Category: Illusions, PEGI 0+
6 November 2023

If you take a couple of minutes and look around, you will be surprised at how many faces and familiar creatures surround you. Where? Yes, everywhere you look. In the most ordinary objects and patterns you can see a face or figure that unexpectedly comes to life in your imagination. And it can be very exciting!

1. “I looked at the moon and felt that she was looking at me too”

2. “This duck has the perfect cartoon dog face instead of a beak.”

3. “Look at this kitten!”

4. “The core of this tree is shaped like a human heart.”

5. “I grew a big-lipped sunflower”

6. “This pepper resembles the Hulk’s clenched fist.”

7. “My drawing on coffee foam: the cat that accidentally caused an atomic explosion”

8. “The cat is trying to reach the sky”

9. “I accidentally created a porcupine by pouring instant coffee into an Americano.”

10. Face of the Rock

11. Baby Groot

12. A mushroom that looks like an owl

13. “A rock flew into my windshield and drew a bird.”

14. “I overcooked the egg. Now the white man is trying to get out of it.”

15. “The bottle casts a shadow on the wall in the form of a sad man.”

16. “A piece of wood washed ashore. Spitting Seagull"

17. "Jalapeño Tyrannosaurus"

18. Dragon in the sky

19. Cactus that looks like a bird

20. Staring Game

21. “I found a tree with eyes”

22. "My Wife's Unhappy Bag"

23. Surprised panda

24. The bow that laughs while you cry

25. Snow elephant

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