The dog waited for a week and a half for its owner, who had left for Moscow, in a Siberian city

31 October 2023

The story took place in Kansk, Siberia. The platform, the train stops for only four minutes - time for a short walk. Svetlana, a Vladivostok-Moscow passenger, went out to take a breath.

She traveled with her toy terrier Lola. The dog remained in the compartment, and, noticing the absence of the owner, did not wait there - miraculously jumped out through the crowd into the street. But Lola couldn’t find her owner in the stream of people and got lost.

The station attendant, Evgenia Pak, managed to find her. The girl posted the advertisement herself and was looking for a dog in Kansk, a city in Eastern Siberia. The toy terrier was found a week and a half later in the bushes. The dog was exhausted.

Svetlana came for Lola just a couple of days later and took her favorite home.

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