The motivation of the Russian army is laid down from the very beginning: The commandant of the school wanted to frame a Suvorov soldier

31 October 2023
Suvorovites report that the failed meanness of the lieutenant colonel, the lieutenant colonel did this

The commandant of the St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School decided to frame the cadet so that he would not be allowed to leave. To do this, Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Vertiy created a fire-hazardous mess - he scattered gauze in one of the rooms and turned on the iron. All his actions were caught on surveillance camera. In the video you can see how the lieutenant colonel, after causing the mess he himself created, takes pictures of everything on his phone in order to later accuse the Suvorov officer of violating it.

It is noted that Suvorovites have been complaining about the commandant for a long time. According to them, in order to curry favor and receive a bonus, he constantly throws things around, tosses phones and electronic cigarettes to the Suvorovites.
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