A surgeon swore at a patient and her husband in a hospital in Russia (mat)

26 October 2023
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And when the video about this went online, the woman began receiving threatening calls to delete the footage.

The head of the Trekhostrovskaya village, Svetlana Surkova, said that last Saturday she injured her leg and with her husband came to the Ilovlya Central District Hospital for an appointment with surgeon Tagir Magomedbekov to apply for sick leave.

After standing in line for two hours, the woman heard that the doctor would not see her without a card from the registry. She expressed dissatisfaction, but sent her husband for the card. After standing in line again, Svetlana went to see surgeon Magomedbekov. The doctor, she said, began talking to her in a raised voice.

The woman's husband intervened in the dispute. Then the surgeon did not examine the leg and wrote that the woman was able to work.

In another office, Surkov was examined and offered to open a sick leave, but for some reason only the surgeon Magomedbekov should have done this. Svetlana was offered to go to him without waiting in line.

Seeing the woman and husband again at the threshold of his office, the doctor sent them to the end of the line, where, of course, they no longer wanted to go for the third time. An argument began and Magomedbekov burst into three-story obscenities, and then threw a sick leave certificate at Svetlana’s husband.

After the woman posted the video online, unknown people began calling her with threats. Judging by the accent, these could be acquaintances or fellow countrymen of Tagir Magomedbekov.

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