The cow made a commotion in Khabarovsk

8 April 2023
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In Khabarovsk, a cow arranged a boring life for passers-by. The animal showed aggression towards people and knocked down at least one woman.

According to eyewitnesses, the cow was provoked by children who teased and beat her. Here is what a woman named Svetlana told reporters of the Gubernia portal:

“Initially, I witnessed how this poor animal stood between the highway and the house, the children behaved inappropriately. Some boy drove up on a moped without a silencer and turned to the cow. "Savages. Some kind of savages. The poor animal was frightened, it stood all winter in a stall, naturally, it began to react inadequately. The animal beat its hoof on the ground, warning of an attack. This did not stop the children, no matter how much I asked them to stop. I realized that "I can't do anything, I turned around and went on. On the way back, a child from this company approached me, warned me that an aggressive cow was walking nearby. The children themselves were aggressive, but definitely not the animal. As you can see in the video, the children drove the frightened animal between garages, she had to somehow protect herself. And then suddenly this poor woman appeared. Anyone can be brought, even an animal. It was opposite the house at 164 Ulyanovsk, opposite the garages, behind the pipes. There are private properties here. I won’t call it the norm, maybe the owner overlooked it and the cow ran away. In appearance, the animal looks very well-groomed, it is not thin, apparently, the owner is adequate.

One of the victims, Svetlana Krasheva, commented on the incident:

"The fact is that I have a garage there. I drove up, I wanted to put things in order there. When I drove up there, the children were beating some boy. We tried to protect him, then suddenly a cow appeared from behind the Bristol store. The children started to drive this cow, I went behind the garage, made a remark to them. The cow threw me back, I fell and hit my chest. Then she started trampling me with her hooves. For me, this is a shock, of course. I didn’t go to the hospital, I want to lie down, I have a friend who is a surgeon in a children's hospital, she says, it's just a bruise. Now I walk very badly, I shuffle, yesterday I barely got up to the entrance. There are a lot of victims ... ".

8 April 2023
24 494 comments
А що з бабусею-то??? Чому не пишуть? Жива хоч?
....Жахти які!
9 April 2023
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