Looks like a teenager in love. Tim Burton kissing Monica Bellucci is being discussed online

26 October 2023

Director Tim Burton in the video looks at Monica Bellucci without looking away and kisses her hand. The guru of mystical plots, gothic elements and black humor in cinema seems to viewers to be a teenager in love, ready to do anything for the sake of the actress.

A video of Tim Burton and Monica Bellucci, filmed at the premiere of the film Maria Callas: Lettere E Memorie at the Rome Film Festival on October 20, is going viral on social networks. This is the couple's first official appearance after the actress confirmed her romance with the director in an interview with Elle France. Monica came out on the red carpet in a black dress that emphasized her figure, Tim - in a black classic suit.

In the footage, edited to the song The Chords – Sh-Boom, Tim Burton leads Monica along the red carpet and kisses her hand. The actress looks at Tim with loving eyes.

The video received millions of views on Twitter and TikTok. Tim Burton, as Internet users noted, seems truly happy.

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