Social networks are like a branch of hell (7 photos)

25 October 2023

The majority of users view social networks as entertainment. But there are also those for whom minor manipulation can become a trigger and cause of tragedy.

In 2005, the Potter family—Barbara, Marvin, and their adult daughter Jenelle—moved to Mountain City in Johnson County, Tennessee. It must be said that the 30-year-old woman had certain mental nuances. She was overly reserved, shy, and suffered from diabetes. Jenelle did not pose a threat to society, on the contrary. The intelligence of an adult corresponded to the level of approximately a 10-year-old child. Naturally, her only social circle was her family. But I wanted more. And Jenelle found an outlet on social media.


She started a page, added friends, and started communicating. After all, virtual acquaintances do not know about the features, and you can impersonate anyone. Naturally, even this hobby was kept under control by father and mother.

New friends

Potter couple

Tracy Greenwell owned a pharmacy in the town. And I noticed a modest, shy woman who came for medicine and was very afraid to contact people. Tracy spoke to Jenelle. She reached out to her. Thus began a slightly strange friendship, which arose, apparently, from a simple human desire to help an outcast at least a little.

Jenelle visited a friend. There she saw Tracy's brother Bill. The tall guy liked Potter, but he had a girlfriend, Billie Jean, with whom he raised the baby. However, Jennel soon met her new friend’s cousin Jamie Curd. They started a relationship. Jenelle's parents knew about the friendship, but didn't think the couple had a truly close connection. After all, the 35-year-old woman had the mind of a child.

Jamie and Janelle

Overall, Jenelle has been socialized into society. She has a girlfriend, a boyfriend, and new virtual friends. But from about that moment on the page on the Internet, anonymous comments with mocking content began to appear.

Jenelle and her mother decided that it was Billie Jean, who was afraid that her new acquaintance would take her man away and she would remain a single mother.

Virtual war and its results

Billy, Billie Jean and baby Taylor

Women began to write nasty things back to Billie Jean, accusing her of non-existent sins. She answered. Real online battles unfolded. The women of the Potter family even contacted the police several times.

As a result, the former friends deleted each other on social networks. And things seemed to calm down. But no matter how it is...

Billy Clay Payne and Billie Jean Hayworth were found murdered on January 31, 2012 in their home. The unfortunate man was shot in the head, and the man’s throat was also cut. The worst thing is that the child was left in the arms of the dead mother. Which, fortunately, was spared.

Despite the lack of evidence, the police pursued all possible leads. They also came to the Potters, since there had been a long-term feud, about which there had been calls to the police. They confirmed the strained relationship, but categorically denied involvement in the murder.

Was there a CIA agent?

During the investigation, the fact of Jennel’s close relationship with Jamie Curd also became clear. The man was interrogated, and he split: the couple was killed by his lover’s father, Marvin, a former Marine. And he was nearby at that time. But they were pushed to take these actions... by a pen pal - a certain Chris, who worked for the CIA. He came out on social media around the same time Jenelle started receiving threats. He quickly convinced his parents and boyfriend that they must make every effort to protect their beloved daughter and girlfriend.

A short check showed that, of course, no CIA agent existed in nature: Jenelle herself wrote the letters. And the fact that both their parents and their boyfriend believed in them makes us think about their level of intelligence.

Natural result

After arrest

Curd was smart enough to make a deal with the investigation. In exchange for testifying against the Potter family, he received only 25 years. Jenelle and her parents each received two life sentences for of two people.

The daughter tried to deny her involvement, and her lawyers pressed the fact that with her level of intelligence she simply could not plan such a thing and act as a cunning manipulator. However, we often know nothing even about those who are nearby. Not to mention the people on the other side of the monitor.

But it is more likely that blind faith and overprotection, together with the illusory nature of social networks, gave birth to a monster and caused two deaths.

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