A Russian was beaten because of a remark about parking on the lawn

26 October 2023
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He published a photo of an illegally parked car in a local chat. The owner of the car reacted aggressively, making an appointment with the author of the photo.

A resident of Kirishi posted a photo of a Toyota parked on the lawn on Volkhovskaya embankment in a local chat at home, after which a conflict broke out. According to preliminary data, the owner of the illegally parked foreign car began to aggressively communicate with a resident of Kirishi on the Internet, and then arranged a meeting with the author of the photo.

For some reason the man agreed to take his own life. He expected to talk to him, but prudently took a spray can with him just in case.

The fact is that within the framework of the multinational classics among the Russians, a Caucasian man called for brotherly help at the switch, but she was late. The truth came at the moment when the Caucasian tried to escape.

Finding himself in a numerical minority, the Russian man became confused and lost concentration. Together they managed to knock him to the ground, and then kicked him. The victim's teeth were knocked out and his nose was broken; a police report was filed against the bandits. The Caucasians filed a counterclaim - they say they are unfortunate victims in this conflict

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