From Taxi to Uzbek advertising: Sami Naseri starred in a video about cars and fast food

Category: Advertising, PEGI 0+
26 October 2023

Sami Naseri recently came to Tashkent, where the international film festival “Pearl of the Silk Road” was held. The protagonist of the action-comedy attended the event as a guest, and then appeared in a commercial.

On a trip to Uzbekistan, the 62-year-old actor decided to combine business with pleasure: he attended a film festival and earned money by starring in an advertisement for the Tashkent automobile market and the local fast food chain Feed Up.

According to the plot of the video, a car market visitor became interested in the Chinese Songsan SS Dolphin roadster worth $86 thousand, the capabilities of which were demonstrated by Sami Naseri, who ate fast food between races.

It is interesting that all the characters in the advertisement speak Uzbek. Naseri is no exception.

The actor, who had long breaks in his career due to problems with the law, is still cheerful and optimistic. Naseri has a quick temper, which is why he often gets himself into trouble. In 2007, the actor was sentenced to nine months in prison (six of which were suspended) for attempting to kill a club security guard. Previously, while drunk, he insulted police officers and participated in fights, and in 2018, Naseri, without betraying himself, got into a conflict with visitors in a Moscow bar.

The French actor was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury, and later Sami Naseri was hospitalized at the Research Institute of Eye Diseases. Helmholtz, where he was operated on.

Everything was quiet and peaceful in Tashkent. Perhaps the actor has settled down and stopped being a hero. Tea, not a boy.

Спанч Боб
25 October 2023
2 731 comment
Діду 62 роки вже. Гроші не пахнуть, от і знімається у будь-якому лайні.
25 October 2023
1 752 comments
Для зйомки такого ролика необов'язково знаходиться в Ташкенті ... монтаж сила! Можна було й дипфейком обмежитись
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