Where did all the bodies of those killed on the Titanic go? (11 photos)

23 October 2023

More than a century ago, the luxury ocean liner Titanic suffered a terrible disaster. Perhaps one of the worst in the history of navigation. More than one and a half thousand people died.

But each of us, including myself, probably wondered - where did the bodies of all those who died in that terrible tragedy go?

Their bones should literally litter the entire bottom in the vicinity of the crash site of the grand liner.

The site of the sinking of the Titanic on the night of April 15, 1912

In fact, everything is quite interesting. Now I’ll tell you in detail and show you. Let's go on the channel "Etobaza"!

Let me start with the fact that the relatives of the shipwreck victims immediately asked the shipowner White Star Line to find the bodies of their husbands, wives, brothers, sisters.... The company hired a cable-laying ship within a couple of weeks after the tragedy, which is already within the first two weeks work caught over 300 bodies. Mostly those who froze in life jackets on the icy surface of the ocean.

True, not all the caught bodies were delivered to the ports; according to Canadian law, only embalmed corpses could be transported to land. And since the embalming agent on the cable-laying machine quickly ran out, some of the bodies of third-class passengers, as it later turned out, were simply thrown into the sea again...

In addition, search engines did not pull the bodies of the dead Titanic crew members out of the water - according to the old British tradition, dead sailors should rest at sea. The remains of those poor fellows that seemed completely impossible to identify were also sent overboard.

In total, about 150 bodies were sent back to sea. The remaining 150 were buried divinely in the cemeteries of the city closest to the site of the tragedy - Halifax, Canada.

A considerable part of the passengers in life jackets were carried away far from place X. The life jackets fell apart, the bodies sank to the bottom in completely different areas of the North Atlantic. And it simply became impossible to find them.

In 1985, when the wreckage of the Titanic was discovered, researchers discovered a chilling picture next to the lost liner - many pairs of shoes. Men's, women's, even children's.

Remnants of clothing were also noticed. For example, clearly an officer's jacket.

Under extremely unfavorable conditions in the salty ocean water, the flesh and bones of these unfortunate people immersed in the mud quickly decomposed. Marine fish, invertebrates, microorganisms and other deep-sea organic-loving reptiles worked. For the simple reason that at a hungry depth of 3 kilometers, where the remains of the Titanic rest, any organic matter is immediately a feast for the whole world. Everything is eaten without a trace.

Thus, it is believed that even the bones of the passengers on the liner themselves had completely disappeared by the 1940s.

But the shoes remain to this day...

It is believed that there may still be some deeply buried remains of their previous owners nearby. Sometimes the remains of phalanges of fingers with wedding rings were allegedly even noticed nearby. But according to an unspoken policy, Titanic researchers do not disturb such graves.

It is curious that researchers nevertheless recovered some organic remains from the Titanic. Namely, a closed tureen in which lay the bones of a ram boiled a century ago shortly before the disaster.

By the way, next to the Titanic, on the ocean floor underwater, there is a small symbolic plate with an eloquent inscription - leave him alone - that is, “Leave him alone.” Oh, if only the passengers of the Titan bathyscaphe could read that inscription...

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