russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 19-20

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
21 October 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- Meanwhile Avdeevka and a gift for Putin

the gift didn’t work out very well

1380 Katsaps were liquidated in a day, as well as 55 tanks and 120 armored fighting vehicles, - General Staff

These are record figures for the loss of personnel per day for the Russian army.

The General Staff also reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces did not allow the loss of positions in the Makeevka area of the Lugansk region and continued assault operations south of Bakhmut, Donetsk region. Over the past 24 hours, 90 military clashes took place.

If you read Russian, then answer, do you need it to lie on someone else’s territory for gifts for Putin in the form of someone else’s territory? They would lie at home and drink vodka better. And so they entered a foreign land and became an illustration of an article about cretinism on Wikipedia.

They could have worked, started a family, children, but no, they decided to build an off-road road of fury. The ground is concrete for them.

- Damaged Russian Ka-52 helicopter after a strike by the Ukrainian ATACMS system.

- And they said that all aviation was suppressed in the first days. It turns out we had more tanks than stated on Wikipedia

- A Russian military transport aircraft Il-76 crashed at the airport of the capital of Tajikistan, Dushanbe.

I don’t know how, but unfortunately the crew survived.

- Pasha Mercedes will be tried for justifying Russia’s armed aggression, - Office of the Prosecutor General.

He faces up to 8 years with confiscation.

God will forgive, but the SBU will not

- Neighborhoods of Avdiivka. For mobilized Russians, this is the final stop in their life of slavery for the Tsar

- The famous militant Alexander “Babay” Mozhaev was reportedly killed yesterday

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have worked as a symbol of the “Russian spring” in the Zaporozhye direction. The "shitty Cossack guy" was running away

- “Sometimes they give up their place in queues”: in Donetsk, a quilted jacket, left without legs in the war, sells the medal “For Combat Courage”

And all because he hasn’t received payments for amputation for six months now

When I wanted to fight against the crests, but now I have to fight for social benefits

- Satellite images have appeared of the Lugansk airfield that was hit ( ATACMS

▪️At a minimum, 6 Russian helicopters were destroyed/damaged. You can see that the entire parking area is strewn with cluster submunitions, so the equipment had a hard time

Russians, and this is just the beginning! Look at the kitchen colander - the same will happen with your “analog” appliances

- Hamas website is hosted and supported in Russia

▪️It is located on the Russian hosting VDSina, which is located in Moscow. The Hamas domain and server are also linked to the Russians

If anyone still has doubts about their connections with the Russian Federation

- The plane crash continues: Tarnavsky announced the fourth Su-25 everlasting aircraft shot down in a week

- Bloomberg:

Biden will ask Congress for $100 billion in aid to Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel.

- Kazakhstan stopped supplying 106 types of goods to Russia due to Western sanctions against Russia.

These are military products, including drones, internal parts, specialized electronics, chips and similar products.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine about the victims in the Al-Ahli hospital in the Gaza Strip:

Against the backdrop of reports of a large number of casualties at the Al-Ahli hospital in the Gaza Strip, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry emphasizes that attacks by either side on medical facilities or other civilian critical infrastructure are unacceptable under any circumstances. We call for a comprehensive investigation into this tragedy and for those responsible to be brought to justice.

We also call on the parties to the armed conflict to strictly observe the rules of war and respect the norms of international humanitarian law.

Ukrainians deeply experience the pain of war. We express our condolences to the families of the victims and wish a speedy recovery to those injured at Al Ahli Hospital.

It is now critical to avoid further increases in the number of civilian casualties on both sides of the conflict, both in Israel and Palestine.

We reaffirm that the Middle East peace process must remain at the core of any effort to restore regional stability and security and realize a “two-state solution” in which Israel and Palestine coexist in peace.

- The occupiers resumed attacks on Avdiivka, - head of the MBA Barabash.

The number of shellings has increased. The Russian is attacking. 10 units of equipment arrive, 2-3 are destroyed by our artillery, the rest unload the infantry and run away, half an hour later a new ten and so on in a circle.

- There will be more ATACMS missiles, - Foreign Minister Kuleba.

He hopes that in the future Ukraine will receive ATACMS with a range of up to 300 kilometers.

- Writer and officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Illarion Pavlyuk became the new head of the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

He is appointed to replace the fired Anna Malyar.

- “When Israel wins, and it will definitely win because we are stronger, Russia will pay for supporting the Palestinians who want to commit genocide of the Jews,” - the chairman of one of the factions of the Israeli ruling party Likud "threatens in an interview with RT.

- Biden's statements:

— Helping Ukraine is a smart investment that will bring dividends to future generations;

—The United States does not want American soldiers fighting in or against Russia;

—America is a beacon for the world;

—Washington does not intend to stop providing assistance to Ukraine, we are talking about the issue of US national security;

—The United States is using the transfer of weapons from warehouses to Ukraine in order to produce new military equipment for itself.

- China has created about 100 nuclear warheads in a year - Pentagon.

Beijing intends to deploy more than 1,000 nuclear warheads by 2030, which will consolidate its status as the third nuclear state in the world after the United States and the Russian Federation.

- North Korea has threatened a preemptive strike against the United States

The DPRK does not exclude the possibility of launching a preventive nuclear strike on the United States, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reports. Pyongyang believes that Washington plans to start a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula, and therefore is transferring its “strategic assets” there.

- Boeing 737 was forced to land in Novosibirsk with one engine running, there were 165 passengers on board.

An S7 airline plane flying from Moscow to Tomsk made an emergency landing at Novosibirsk Tolmachevo airport, the West Siberian Transport Prosecutor's Office reported. The landing took place as usual. No harm done.

Passengers will be delivered to their destination by a reserve aircraft of S7 Airlines. The prosecutor's office announced the beginning of an investigationki implementation of legislation on flight safety, the circumstances of the incident are established.

- Georgia is taking measures to prepare for the possible use of nuclear weapons in the region, - head of the State Security Service Grigol Liluashvili.

He said that the Georgian government “has developed a special plan in the event of a nuclear war,” which spells out steps for each department.

- The United States conducted an experiment with a high-explosive explosion at a nuclear test site in Nevada a few hours after Russia lifted the ban on testing atomic weapons.

- Speaking of craters... The first is from a bomb that Hamas claims killed 500 people, the second is an unremarkable crater in Kyiv

The same hospital and crater that killed 500 people, according to Hamas, supported by Russia

Kyiv, center, rocket and 7 dead

Please read carefully and treat any information with caution, even on our website. Double check the information

- Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters are looking for the enemy

- It became known what threatens World of Tanks players after their decision to finance the Armed Forces of Ukraine

- I am shocked to realize what this Terricon is and HOW they storm it. And I want to share with you. This point is the maximum distance to which the only Russian soldier climbed this steep wall.

Considering such situations, we can come to the conclusion that the greatest Russophobes are Russians. Neither NATO nor the mythical Banderaites led to the death of as many Russians as the Russians themselves. Moreover, it is generally useless.

Teasers of the results of yesterday's assault on Avdiivka are gradually appearing

- The Nazis smeared Russia with shit, and drenched Ukraine in blood, and are proud that others also did not get a good life

On the popular Russian DTF website

In the near future, changes are expected in Russia: clothes from China, phones and equipment from China and India, cars from China and Iran.

Someone tell Vatnik that no one in Ukraine buys American rifles or equipment on credit. Military aid is, surprisingly, aid, not loans or credits. Even Lend-Lease ended on October 1, unused.

And the Ukrainian “does not have his own” country, economy and life, because Russia is aimed at its destruction. That is why he picked up a rifle and went to fight the Russian scum.

1 comment
22 October 2023
Безногому ватнику, который медальки продаёт, как раз беговая дорога б не помешала laughing
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