Australian firefighters stripped off again for charity calendar (7 photos)

18 October 2023

2024 is coming soon and we don’t know what it will bring to us. But good deeds happen every day and this restores faith in humanity. Australian firefighters have posed for the calendar again.

Every year, Australian firefighters strip down to pose for a charity calendar. This tradition dates back to 1993, when firefighters first posed for photos to raise money for a foundation helping children with severe burns. They raised $3.4 million that year.

Now every year Australian firefighters take part in photo shoots. To sell calendars, men bare their torsos. It's been working for 30 years now!

On some calendars, men hold shelter cats in their arms who are looking for their homes. Anyone can purchase a homeless cat by finding the shelter's contact information on the back.

For dog lovers, there is also a calendar with dogs that can also be adopted from the shelter.

And there is a calendar for animal lovers. True, they can no longer be taken from the shelter. All of them were taken from the zoo for good purposes.

The price for one calendar is 23 Australian dollars, that's 15 US dollars. All proceeds go to charitable causes.

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