In Germany, a climate expert who refused to fly on planes was fired (3 photos)

16 October 2023

To reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, he decided to sail on a cargo ship. And I would be quite a bit late for my university. Just for two months.

The Institute for World Economics at Kiel University (IfW) has fired climate researcher Gianluca Grimalda for traveling too slowly. Grimalda was in the Solomon Islands, where he studied the effects and impacts of climate change and globalization on local people.

But two weeks ago, the employer demanded that the scientist return to the office in Kiel within 5 days. Grimalda would not have been able to come to Germany on time, because for reasons of conscience he had not flown on planes for 10 years. He said he instead waited for a suitable cargo ship, which would take two months to reach Europe.

"I have been practicing conscientious objection to flying for over 10 years. My employer has supported me in the past to 'slow travel'. I do not boycott flying at all, but will only board a plane when there is no other alternative," Grimalda wrote on his page on the social network.

During a “slow journey,” Grimalda writes, only 2.7 tons of carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere, while during a flight - 6.7 tons

In addition to his moral obligation, Grimalda cited two other reasons that prevent him from using air transport.

"I promised all 1,800 participants in my study in Bougainville that I would return to a low-carbon economy. I want to keep my promise. White men (which I am one of, as I am often reminded here) are often called giaman - liars, cheaters in Tok Pisin (Papua - New Guinea) - probably with good reason, given the country's turbulent colonial past. I do not want to be considered a Giaman," the researcher wrote.

Grimalda cited his example as the third reason for his action, which he hopes will “help make a small crack in the wall of selfishness, greed and apathy” that is preventing the successful fight against climate change.

The principled researcher said he intends to appeal his dismissal with the support of the union. According to him, the IfW's actions only seem justified from a legal point of view. The university declined to comment on the employee's dismissal, but emphasized that it respects Grimalda's position on using climate-friendly travel methods. But, apparently, not when it is detrimental to work.

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