The bear raided the refrigerator, snacking on fish fingers and strawberry sauce (6 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
13 October 2023

Andrew Raymond Sheirer II, a resident of Florida (USA), was digging in his garden behind the house. And then it turned out that a bear had climbed into his garage and was rummaging through the refrigerator there, not embarrassed at all. Andrew filmed the bear, so we too can witness the brazen invasion of wildlife.

The incident occurred on September 30 in the city of Sanford. Andrew Scheirer was gardening in his backyard when a neighbor told him some bad news: there was a bear at work in his garage.

Andrew quickly grabbed his phone and filmed the bear playing with food found in and on the refrigerator. He found a tube of strawberry sauce and greedily licked its contents.

With the help of his wife, Scheirer tried to scare away the bear with a loud noise. However, their efforts only led to the bear moving to another part of the garage, where it devoured all the stolen food.

“The bear came behind my Jeep in the garage with strawberry syrup and fish fingers from the refrigerator and just pounced on them to eat them,” Scheirer said. “I started screaming to scare him away, but he looked me straight in the eye, so I decided to lower my voice.”

Eventually the bear left the garage and crossed the street.

He decided to rest a little on the lawn across the road and finish what he had taken with him in peace and quiet.

Well, it’s just some kind of idyll!

The U.S. National Park Service warns everyone to keep their distance and remain calm if they encounter a bear. And he gives some advice:

“Try to look big: Wave your arms slowly to let the bear know you're not prey. Speak only in a low voice. Screaming or sudden movements can provoke it. Slowly move away. Don't run. Move away from him using lateral movements. If you encounter a mother bear with cubs, be especially careful and do not get between the mother and her cubs. She will attack to protect them. Bears rarely attack without reason. They are only interested in protecting food, their young, or their space.”

“If you are attacked by a brown/grizzly bear, take off your heavy backpack and play dead. Lie on your stomach with your hands clasped behind your neck and your legs spread to make it harder for the bear to roll you over.

Stay still and wait until he leaves.

If you are attacked by a black bear (baribal), do not play dead. Try to escape to a safe place, such as a building or car. If you can't escape, try to fight back using any available object. Kicking and punching the animal’s face helps a lot.”

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