russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 7-8

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
9 October 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- Adviser to Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei said that Iran supports the Palestinian attack on Israel.

The Israeli Ambassador to the Russian Federation said: “Israel considers Iran responsible for the actions of Hamas.”

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has been tracking conflict-related deaths since 2008, and its data shows that 5,600 Palestinians were killed and 115,000 injured until 2020.

During the same period, 250 Israelis were killed and 5,600 were injured.

Alleged Palestinian infiltration into southern Israel.

- Satellite photo of the Russian Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Sevastopol after the Ukrainian missile attack on September 22.

- "Daily Telegraph":

Biden intends to request from Congress the largest package of military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, which should be enough until the beginning of 2025.

As The Daily Telegraph reports, citing sources, its size could reach (!) $100 billion.

- Confirmed. The doctors didn't save me. Gauleiter Malov died after a car explosion.

- For information

- Z-scum rejoices, what else could you expect from them!

- There is something symbolic in the fact that Hamas staged a large-scale military aggression exactly on the birthday of the non-guarantor, who massively poured out dubious rhetoric against the Jewish people..

- Hamas said Israel was allegedly preparing an attack on the Gaza Strip after the holidays next month

- The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry condemned the terrorist attacks against Israel, expressed support for Israel and its people and recognized its right to self-defense.

- Legion Freedom of Russia about events in Israel

Terrorist acts and attacks on civilians and infrastructure are crimes against humanity and peace and cannot be justified under any circumstances.

We know firsthand what terrorism is and we witness it every day from Putin’s Russia. We therefore call on the international community and all States to take decisive action to maintain peace and stability and to prevent further civilian casualties.

If you continue to turn a blind eye to terrorists — they will spread like a plague throughout the world. No one has the right to take away the most precious things from peaceful people — their life. And we will tirelessly defend this right.

🙏 We offer our sincere sympathies to those who suffered from terrorist attacks.

- Map of geolocation-confirmed drone attacks by Russians and Ukrainians.

- North Korean Express to Russia

The route has started working.

Freight traffic between North Korea and Russia has increased sharply since the leaders of both countries met in September.

A satellite image of a railway facility in the North Korean city of Tumangan, on the border with Russia, dated October 5, 2023, recorded an unprecedented number of freight cars - about 73 in total.

Activity in Tumangan is much higher than what US Beyond Parallel analysts have observed at the site over the past five years – even before the coronavirus pandemic.

In addition, construction is underway next to it, possibly a new warehouse.

Analysts say that in exchange for the weapons, Kim could receive desperately needed energy and food aid, as well as advanced weapons technology, including those related to intercontinental ballistic missiles, nuclear ballistic missile submarines and military reconnaissance satellites.

There are concerns that the potential transfer of Russian technology will increase the threat posed by a growing arsenal of nuclear weapons and missiles designed to strike the United States, South Korea and Japan.

- Latest satellite images from Sevastopol.

The Russian landing ship "Minsk", whose superstructure was hit by a Storm Shadow missile, has already left.

Apparently, the superstructure was completely dismantled.

The Rostov-on-Don submarine, which received two heavy damages, is partially covered with camouflage nets from the prying eyes of observers and the lens of Western satellites.

- There is one war for all

- Not news, but an event

- How much blood do you need?

- Interesting

- Near the Israeli Embassy in Moscow, police detained an activist who was standing with a poster condemning terrorism. She was released with a protocol on discrediting the Russian army, and the poster was taken away and thrown away without a protocol of confiscation.

- Well, you couldn’t wait a little?

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