17 ancient photographs that tell the history of the world (18 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
9 October 2023

Scientists have written hundreds of books about world history. But retro photographs more clearly show the events of those distant days. In this post you will see historical footage that captures fantastic and exciting stories.

1 Martin Luther King Arrested for Suing White Restaurant, 1964

2. A man's nose is measured to determine whether he was Jewish. Hitler believed that Jews had larger noses than the Aryan race.

3. Funeral service for the victims of the Titanic

4. A building in the middle of two Koreas, where half the table was from North Korea and the other half was from South Korea. This building was intended for negotiations

5. Winston Churchill sits in Hitler's chair

6. May Day demonstration, 1920, Petrograd

7. German weapons that were fired from around the corner

8. These mechanical arms were designed to handle radioactive materials. But this scientist shows they're so delicate they could change a baby's diaper

9. A Vietnamese girl leads an American pilot captured

10. At a beauty contest, the model with the best figure was chosen in this way. A bag was placed over their heads so that the result would not be affected by the beauty of their face

11. The commandant of Auschwitz, who is about to be hanged, next to the crematorium where thousands of Jews were killed

12. Two children join the Ku Klux Klan, 1948

13. Diamond miners were x-rayed every day to make sure they didn't steal anything, 1954

14. Ainu man, Japan, 1908

15. Girls play for cows to find out the effect of music on milk production. USA, 1930

16. Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant first meet in 1980

17. Department of Social Security, 1937, Prague

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