20 Retro Photos That Tell Captivating Stories (20 pics)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
3 January 2023

One can profitably study hundreds of historical books about events of bygone days. And you can, with the help of simple retro photos of this post, plunge into curious incidents, see very young celebrities and interesting historical moments. Take a look!

Woodstock Festival, USA, 1969

Lady Gaga as a child

Former minister sentenced to death for corruption in China in 2007. Zheng Xiaoyu was accused of accepting bribes worth about $1.6 million

Donald Trump and Michael Jackson

Pablo Escobar brought his son on a tour of the White House

Axl Rose smiling after his arrest in 1992

Police photos of famous singers

Frida Kahlo and her pet deer

Pablo Escobar and his cousin dressed up as American gangsters

Gabriel Garcia Marquez talks to Fidel Castro

Salvador Dali and Coco Chanel

Using a bear to treat the back, Romania, 1946

William Harley and Arthur Davidson founders of the motorcycle company

Military electricians, 1918

Drew Barrymore lights a cigarette for Stephen King

Class differences, UK, 1937

Miss New Zealand passes out during the Miss Universe pageant, Long Beach, 1954

Auschwitz survivors recognize themselves in this photo

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