All for the sake of likes: the couple was photographed on a dangerous railway

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
8 October 2023

Some people will do anything for content. This couple from England, for example, decided to take photos on the railway tracks, where trains often run at a speed of 160 km per hour.

A couple of cyclists from the English county of Berkshire stopped near the railway tracks and decided to take a photo. The girl sat down right on them, and the guy took pictures of her. Up to 130 trains can pass through this section every day at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour - so the couple took a big risk. In addition, these rails can cause electric shock.

The couple was caught on a surveillance camera on the tracks. In recent times, similar adventurers have been recorded frequently along the entire stretch of railway between Penzance and Paddington, including children running along the tracks. Because of this, local authorities took action: installed more warning signs, cameras, and began conducting educational activities.

"Illegal trespassing on the railway is on the rise, which creates a number of problems. Trespassers can be injured or, in worst cases, killed. A photo for social media is never worth the risk," said Andy Phillips, Network Rail's program manager.

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