30+ cool things found in thrift stores (33 photos)

6 October 2023

Buying second hand items is all the rage these days. It's cheaper and more environmentally friendly. And the process of searching for a product itself is a separate pleasure. You never know if you'll find a trinket or designer item. And how can you not brag about such finds?

1. "My precious stegosaurus teapot, milk jug and sugar bowl, salt and pepper shaker, and most impressive of all, napkin rings! Now all I want are the stegosaurus mugs. Aren't they the cutest?"

2. "While driving around the area, I found this lamp on the side of the road and could not believe that it was not broken, it just needed some light bulbs"

3."The nice couple I bought this dresser from told me it came from a library in Fort Smith."

4. “I found these at a thrift store today! They glow in the dark!”

5. I can’t say that I need such an octopus, but it wouldn’t hurt me

6. I got the bench for free

7. “I bought this smart guy at a thrift store today and put it in the bathroom to hold my rolls.”

"I was looking forward to my husband returning from work. The frog butler, such a fashionista."

8. “Today my sister and I went to several thrift stores. We found this set.”

9. "Space" glasses

10. “I bought this wonderful lamp at a thrift store. I loved it.”

“When I came home, I saw that the name of the American artist Charles Wysocki was written on it. I paid $60 and I think it’s worth much more.”

11. Salt and pepper shaker

12. “I hit the jackpot today! I was at a garage sale and saw these adorable pots and immediately lost my mind.”

13. "For $3. As a longtime fan, I bought the cardigan right away."

14. Tea set with frogs

15. “My eyes fell on this amazing piece standing at the other end of the hall. It was love at first sight. The burlesque performer rat. My best purchase.”

16. “I found the sofa of my dreams. I’ve been looking for it for so many years. I became its third owner.”

17. "Simply perfection!! Too bad I don't have room for it in my house. I think the chandelier costs $2,485."

18. “I couldn’t refuse it, it only cost $8.”

19. “I found it on the marketplace for $40.”

20. “I found the McDonald’s logo on the marketplace, painted it pink and hung it in my home!”

21. Original table

22. "Be our guest, but don't stay too long"

23. Based on “The Scream” by Munch

24. Bean spoon

"For those who don't like gas in their beans. Place a spoon in the pot of beans and don't remove it while cooking. Little gases will be able to climb up the ladder and jump out of the pot."

25. "Heavenly" collection

26. Tin foil hat for cat

27. Salt and pepper shaker

28. Bear found a new family

29. The price is reasonable, so the toad doesn’t choke

30. A set of wicker furniture from a local sale

31. A set of combs from 1982 with the hero of the movie “E.T.

32. Anyone want a burrito wallet?

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26 October 2023
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