russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 3-4

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
5 October 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- The Pentagon has $5.2 billion left for Ukraine, which will last for another six months.

This amount represents approximately 12% of the total $43.9 billion in security assistance that the United States has sent since Russia's February 2022 invasion.


The European Commission is preparing to release billions of euros in Hungary's EU funds currently frozen due to concerns over the rule of law, which could secure Budapest's support for an increase in the bloc's budget and significant financial aid for Ukraine.

The release of funds that have been frozen since December last year would mark a victory for Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has vowed not to agree to any increase in the EU budget until Hungary's access to it is restored.

The Commission intends to unfreeze about 13 billion euros in funding by the end of November, three officials briefed on the discussions told the FT.

- A freight train destroyed the Russian Strela-10 air defense system in Donetsk.

Three Russian soldiers were killed, two were wounded.

In addition to the crumpled air defense system, the railway track was also damaged.

- POLITICO with reference to European officials:

“We cannot continue to give from our own reserves,” — said one European official.

The official added that Ukraine's fight still enjoys strong public and political support, but "we have done everything that will not jeopardize our own security."

- Axios:

The Biden administration is struggling to reassure US allies that military aid to Ukraine will continue, despite a growing number of Republicans in Congress who oppose it.

Biden plans to hold a teleconference with the leaders of the G7 countries and several other European allies.

One European diplomat said Biden's team is telling allies it is working on an agreement with Congress to allow continued military aid to Ukraine.

- The Armenian Parliament ratified the Rome Statute, despite strong opposition from the Russian Federation.

- Austrian newspaper Die Presse:

Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström was unable to take part in the meeting of EU foreign ministers in Kyiv on Monday.

Because he forgot his passport.

- Junior British Secretary of Defense James Heappie:

Look what Ukraine has now done on the Black Sea!

Ukraine has achieved the functional defeat of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

- The Telegraph, citing a senior British military commander:

The UK has run out of defense equipment to donate to Ukraine, and other countries must step in and take on more of the burden.

A senior military source told The Telegraph the UK should not be held responsible for providing the "billions" Mr Wallace has called for.

“Providing billions no longer means giving billions of British equipment,” — they said, adding that Britain had a role to play in "encouraging other countries to give more money and weapons."

“We gave exactly as much as we can afford,” — they added.

"We will continue to supply equipment to supply Ukraine, but now they need things like air defense and artillery ammunition, and we have run out of all of that."

- Damaged Russian 152-mm self-propelled howitzer 2S33 Msta-SM2.

Reports claim the destruction was the result of a non-combat incident that resulted in fuel fires and ammunition detonation.

Sabotage is being considered.

- About the war

- Oh, here it turns out as it was...

- No, they will simply guard the occupied regions...

- From March 1, 2024, an order will come into force according to which VPN services that provide access to sites banned in Russia will be blocked by Roskomnadzor in all markets

- When you change your views about Elon Musk

- Russia has put Arestovich on the wanted list

Russian authorities have put Alexey Arestovich, a former adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine, on the wanted list.

The article under which he is wanted is not indicated, although it is known that in Russia Arestovich is included in the register of extremists and terrorists.

In Ukraine, Arestovich became widely known after the start of the war thanks to his daily briefings, in which he told positive and reassuring news for Ukrainians.

- The 110th monument to Stalin appeared in Russia — 99 of them were installed under Putin. The pace of construction of monuments doubled after the annexation of Crimea

- Daily Mail:

Fifty-five Chinese sailors are feared to have died after their nuclear submarine apparently fell into a trap designed to ensnare British submarines in the Yellow Sea.

According to a secret British report, the sailors died as a result of a catastrophic failure of the submarine's oxygen systems, resulting in poisoning to the crew.

It is believed that among the dead is the captain of the Chinese PLA Navy submarine "093-417", as well as 21 other officers.

Officially, China denies the incident. Beijing also appears to have refused to request international assistance for its stricken submarine.

The UK report on the fatal mission states: “Intelligence reports that there was an on-board accident on 21 August during a mission in the Yellow Sea.

«The incident occurred at 08.12 local time, as a result of which 55 crew members were killed: 22 officers, 7 cadets, 9 petty officers, 17 sailors. The dead include Captain Colonel Xue Yong-Peng.

«As far as we understand, the death was caused by hypoxia due to a system malfunction on the submarine. The submarine collided with a chain and anchor obstacle used by the Chinese Navy to catch US and allied submarines.

«This led to failures in the systems; it took six hours to repair and float the ship. The onboard oxygen system poisoned the crew after a catastrophic failure.”

- Exodus of Russian ships from Sevastopol

The Russian Black Sea Fleet has transferred most of its ships from Sevastopol to Novorossiysk.

All three operational submarines of Project 06363 (Kilo class), both frigates of Project 11356 (Admiral Grigorovich class) and one patrol ship moved to Novorossiysk.

Novorossiysk also houses the Project 1135M (Krivak-class frigate), five large landing ships and, apparently, the bulk of small missile ships.

The other part of the ships - one large landing ship, two small missile ships and both new shipsraker of Project 12700 (Alexandrite class) - moved from Sevastopol to Feodosia.

- Finnish journalists told how companies are circumventing the ban on car exports to Russia

Finnish investigative journalists have exposed how companies are circumventing a ban on car exports to Russia, according to a report published by the Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle).

Journalists attached a motion sensor to a Lexus RX350 and tracked it as it was allegedly transported from Canada to Kazakhstan in transit through Germany and Russia.

Transit is not prohibited, but journalists established that the car was actually transported to St. Petersburg and then to Moscow.

Later "Lexus" was discovered in a Tomsk car dealership, where it was bought and driven around the city.

Journalists believe that the carriers provided Finnish and Russian border guards with different documents regarding the final delivery point.

- FT:

Lack of Franco-German consensus delays EU decisions

A lack of consensus between France and Germany, the EU's two most powerful member states, is causing delays on a host of high-priority and urgent issues, including financing Ukraine and overseeing national budgets.

The impasse has spooked Brussels and other EU capitals and exposed the difficulty of making decisions without agreement between Paris and Berlin.

The lack of personal chemistry between German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron isn't helping.

“It looks like they just don’t get along,” — said one participant in recent talks between the two leaders.

“And that’s the basis of everything.”

The problems arise both from significant political differences between the two countries and from the turbulent nature of the coalition government in Germany, which has made it more difficult for Chancellor Olaf Scholz to set clear direction on issues such as energy.

Tensions have simmered for more than a year but have reached a fever pitch in recent months as the EU struggles to respond to the war in Ukraine and its economic fallout.

In particular, there are disagreements over how to finance Ukraine's military efforts and how to reduce the EU's dependence on Russian energy. France and Germany have also clashed over issues such as trade and immigration.

- Ukrainian intelligence (SBU) on the evening of October 3 hit the Russian S-400 air defense system in Belgorod.

It is reported that kamikaze UAVs of the SBU attacked the Russian S-400 air defense system near Belgorod.

- Putin:

Russia has many friends in Europe.

There are many supporters of traditional values in the West, they just behave more calmly than their opponents.

- Canadian newspaper Le Devoir:

Canada secretly allowed businessmen to bypass its own sanctions against Russia.

The report is based on an analysis of federal international trade data, which shows that Russian companies continue to ship construction, exploration and luxury goods to Canada.

In return, Canada exports raw materials and equipment to Russia.

Particular concern is Canada's export to Russia of "X-ray machines and devices using alpha, beta, gamma and other types of ionizing radiation."

- British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak:

I say this to our allies: give [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky the tools, the Ukrainians will see this through.

We were the first country to send tanks to Kyiv, now more than 10 countries have followed us.

We were the first country to agree to train Ukrainian pilots, and now more than a dozen others are doing so.

- Head of the NATO Military Committee Admiral Rob Bauer:

The arms industry needs to increase the production of weapons and ammunition, because due to the war in Ukraine, “the bottom of the barrel is now visible.”

We started distributing from half-full or lower warehouses in Europe and therefore the bottom of the barrel is now visible.

And we need toThe industry has been ramping up production at a much faster pace and we need larger volumes.

- CNN:

The United States will transfer thousands of captured Iranian weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.


Germany will not supply Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine in the near future. Only Chancellor Olaf Scholz opposes the deliveries.

Last week Scholz was asked why France and Britain were supplying cruise missiles while Germany continued to refuse.
Scholz responded that both countries “can do things that we are not allowed to do.”

- Ukrposhta, the national postal operator of Ukraine, has released a new collection of stamps called “Weapons of Victory,” which includes Western-provided Challenger 2 tanks. and "Leopard-2", "Patriot" air defense system, "Caesar" self-propelled howitzer and the M2 Bradley fighting vehicle.

It is interesting that the stamp collection also includes the flag of Israel — a country that did not supply Ukraine with any weapons.


- Bloomberg:

Berlin plans to supply Ukraine with additional air defense systems to protect Ukrainian grain exports.

Berlin expects to send Kyiv another IRIS-T system and more than 10 Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

- No one denigrates the reputation of propagandists as propagandists

- This is the kind of trash they distribute on Red Square and its environs

reverse side

- The Russian opposition decided to do something useful

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Гость Обломов
Гость Обломов
5 October 2023
Сдохните орки, задолбали уже, четверть миллиона уже в земле, а они все прут и прут за царя, за замки и яхты....
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