The driver rammed a police station and happily surrendered to the cops

3 October 2023

The motives of the perpetrator are unknown. Perhaps he really wanted to go to prison.

A man driving an SUV caused a big commotion in the small town of Independent, New Jersey. He rammed the police station at great speed, demolished the doors and part of the wall, and when he was inside the building, he calmly got out of the car to the song “Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns N’ Roses and raised his hands up, surrendering to law enforcement officers. The media write that the offender was in high spirits, not at all regretting what he had done.
Even the cops were taken aback

As it turned out later, the detained 34-year-old John Hargreaves, a few minutes before ramming the police station, did the same thing to his friend’s garage. Hargreaves' motives have not yet been revealed. But it is known that he will now spend a very long time behind bars. He faces charges of burglary, disorderly conduct and illegal possession of a weapon in both crashes, as well as terrorism and aggravated assault. If his goal was to be guaranteed to go to prison for a long time, then he realized it perfectly.

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