From homely boys to charming men: how famous actors who played children's roles have changed (12 photos)

1 October 2023

We remember these actors as boys or unsightly teenagers, but the years go by, and these guys turn into respectable men that no woman can resist. Some of them became an actor in one role, while others are not recognized in new successful roles due to a total transformation.

We have collected the most famous actors, comparing photos from their first film work with their latest photographs.

Asa Butterfield

15 years have passed since the release of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008), look how mature the leading actor has become!

Dev Patel

Everyone watched this story about Slumdog Millionaire (2008), but not everyone saw how the main character had changed!

Zac Efron

This 2000s hair trend will make anyone look homely, but look what Zac Efron looks like now! He is actively involved in protecting nature and enjoys extreme sports.

Will Poulter

Nicholas Hoult

This gray-eyed boy, who began his successful career back in 2002 in the film “My Boy,” now shines on the covers of fashion magazines.

Josh Hutcherson

The hero of “The Hunger Games” began his career in 2002, and one of his first roles was the drama “Wild Days” (2003), a frame from which you see on the left. Here the chubby-cheeked boy cannot compare with his courageous version in “Man of the Future” (2017-2020).

Freddie Highmore

The main character of “Arthur and the Minimoys” (2006), as well as “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” (2005), can only be recognized by a kind, penetrating look.

Joshua Herdman

The actor who played Draco Malfoy's bumbling sidekick is now an MMA fighter.

Jerry O'Connell

Jerry O'Connell became famous thanks to the film Stand By Me (1986), where he appeared as a chubby boy. Now he is a handsome adult man who continues to act in films and hosts shows.

Matthew Lewis

Timothee Chalamet

What, you didn’t find out? But this is him, in one of his first roles in the TV series “Law and Order” in 2009.

Who will make the most impression with their transformation?

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