Slaves can now be beaten without consequences

29 September 2023
An assistant to a State Duma deputy beat up dog walkers who were walking their pets near his house

There is a deputy from United Russia in the State Duma - Vladimir Shamanov. And he has an assistant - Sergei Polyakov. The incident occurred precisely with the participation of the latter.

There is a green area in front of Polyakov’s house. It was occupied by “dog walkers” and walked their pets there. Polyakov made comments to the dog owners, but they did not hear him. The situation became tense, and one evening it came to a scuffle. As usual, the evidence differs here.

The deputy's assistant claims that he started filming the dog walkers on his phone and one of the women broke it. She also hit him on the head. A long-haired guy rushed to her aid and began to choke Polyakov - and he hit the shaggy man in the face.

Well, the lady believes that it was the deputy’s assistant who was aggressive: he constantly chased away the dog owners and allegedly considered the site his property.

Both parties filed statements with the police.
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