A men's settlement without women appeared in Bali

27 September 2023

There are several settlements in the world where only women can stay. These are either small vacation spots for wealthy feminists or unprofitable and budget-financed villages made of clay and branches. But can a male settlement exist without women?

In conditions where men do not have a safe and quiet territory closed to women, such a settlement would be an interesting example. Some analogue of men's freedom and security are monasteries. But today a new example of self-organization of men has become known on the RuNet.

In Indonesia, a men's settlement without women has appeared in Bali. There, men engage in sports, business and recreation without distractions. There is not a single woman in the settlement. This is the main rule of the community. Of course, it is private and does not exist by parasitizing on the budget. The location of the settlement is kept secret for the safety of the men living there.

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