But she won: a student from Shanghai drank a bottle of alcohol on a bet and died

23 September 2023
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At a freshers' party, a Chinese woman was asked to argue. She agreed. She won the argument, but there is a nuance.

19-year-old Chinese woman Fen seemed to be a gambling person. Or maybe she just wanted to show off her coolness to the students and earn a little money. Each of the disputants promised to pay her 300 yuan for drinking a bottle of tequila. Fen thought and agreed.

As a result, the girl finished the bottle in one sitting, but after a short time she felt unwell. And then doctors declared death from alcohol poisoning.

And this is not the only case in the Middle Kingdom, because when it comes to disputes or streams, people lose their minds. Not long ago, 34-year-old blogger Sanqiang blew out at least seven bottles of local Baijiu alcohol during the broadcast, and also went to his forefathers.

The streamer participated in the live broadcast challenge on Douyin (the Chinese version of TikTok). In a one-on-one battle, bloggers compete in the number of donations they receive from subscribers during a broadcast over a certain period of time. The loser must drink alcohol. That evening, luck smiled on Sanqiang's opponent, but the latter did not have enough brains to finish the stupid competition in time. The result is natural. After the death of the blogger, the country's authorities began to think about introducing restrictions in the field of live broadcasts.

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