Is Pancho Villa a hero or a villain? (7 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
22 September 2023

Every nation needs a hero. But the real one, and not from books or legends. For Mexicans, this is Pancho Villa, a time of activity which fell during the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1917.

Robin Hood's real name in the sombrero is José Doroteo Arango. Arambula. He was born into the family of a simple farm laborer in 1878. early years the boy spent time at the hacienda, where he had such a hard time that Jose tried to escape several times. The fugitive was returned. But the last one The last straw was a sad incident: the son of a hacienda owner raped his sister Jose. The young man got hold of a revolver, wrote the owner a one-way ticket and gave I'm freaking out. Later he will get even with his son himself. But that will come later.

Pancho Villa

The guy knew little about life in the mountains and forests. And it's almost already was dying of hunger and fatigue when a detachment of locals came across him robbers under the leadership of Francisco Villa. The guys lived simply: they robbed rich, spent their loot and enjoyed their usually short lives. Jose felt that this was what he needed. And he joined the squad. AND after Villa's death he headed it, demonstrating to the thugs leadership qualities and an unstoppable rebellious spirit.

To begin with, he drove to the hacienda and dealt with the rapist. And then he began to build an active political career. Namely, he joined ranks supporting presidential candidate Francisco Madero. That one seems as he was for the people, he promised reforms and benefits to the workers. And then I picked it up rebellion against the current government, in which now Pancho Villa took an active part. But he was stabbed in the back by one of the generals - accused of treason and forced to flee to the States

And the treacherous general named Huerta himself took Madero’s place. Villa realized that this was a chance for revenge, returned and plunged into a new whirlpool of revolutionary events. The result was a union with the leader another group of rebels, Venustiano Carranza. They overthrew Huerta and realized that their views on life differed: Villa was a radical and simply demanded that everyone connected with the government be impaled. A Carranza adhered to a softer and more peaceful policy.

Villa (fifth from left) with his commanders

The result of the disagreement was a new war in 1913 between former comrades. During which Carranza even managed to become officially elected president of the country. True, he did not remain in office especially long. His colleague Alvaro Obregon overthrew the boss and forgave Pancho Villa.

Biker raids

In the life of a rebel, troublemaker and robber, things have come relative calm. In which Villa felt like a fish thrown out on shore. And he decided to frolic, provoking a military conflict between States and Mexico.

He chose a non-trivial method for this - together with with his accomplices he saddled a motorcycle and carried out raids on border troops. He even captured cities for a short time and derailed trains.

The Americans generally understood the message. But they had no time for provocations Mexican - the First World War was underway. That's why they sent to capture Villa military. A lot, as much as 8 thousand. It can be assumed that it was It was more an act of intimidation, and the soldiers did not develop much activity. But Pancho also understood the essence of the warning. And left the border.

No pain, my little head

The car in which Villa was shot

When Alvaro Obregon officially pardoned Villa, he organized something like a commune on his ranch and settled all his faithful companions. Life on the ranch flowed in unhurried toil, shrouded in mezcal vapor and cigar smoke. Until 1923, when Pancho's car an attack was carried out.

Mexican folk hero was killed at the age of 45 by order the same two-faced and prudent Obregon. Killers - whole a dozen walked with eggnog. But this is during the day. And at night they shook, expecting revenge from on the part of Villa’s associates, of whom there were very, very many throughout the country.

Antonio Banderas as Pancho Villa (Pancho Villa 2003)

So a simple farm laborer who rose to become a rebel leader movement and almost became president, laid down his head. Moreover, literally –she disappeared during the exhumation and, according to rumors, ended up in the collection eccentric media mogul William Hearst, which passed to his heirs.

And Villa... He lives on - in people's memory. About Pancho was filmed a lot of films, a lot of books written, mentioned in songs. One for everyone the famous “Cucaracha” was actually composed as an ode to Villa’s exploits. In short, Pancho's story is a classic case of how a simple man can become a national hero only thanks to personal qualities.

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